Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Mystic

About living in that world of hidden meanings and possibilities.

Some have tried to define the INFJ's mystic qualities, that propensity to sense or see things others do not. A friend of mine was surprised to discover that I knew he had feelings for another mutual friend when he thought he did everything to seem unattached. When he asked me how I knew, I didn't know how to explain to it anything more than a keen sense of observation? We tend to think so. Maybe all that time we spend alone with our thoughts and feelings gives us insight into human nature, and maybe because we're inclined to be more spiritual, that no-holds-barred empathy for others comes off as clairvoyant. Whatever it is, it is freakishly sharp.

So we look at people and imagine all the reasons they are doing what they are doing, why they're wearing what they chose, why they decided on running, instead of biking, instead of driving, instead of sitting, instead of laughing, instead of staying at home and before we know it, an entire afternoon has passed by in tangents and we've digressed ourselves from a more constructive day. When I was younger (and maybe still to this day) I had a hard time believing people can be evil - misguided yes, misunderstood yes - but evil on purpose I could not comprehend. I was naive to the extent I thought if only I could speak to the terrorists and warlords of the world, I should be able to make some sense of their world and fix it. The truth is, I still believe it.

I'm not sure if anyone's ever checked, but Michael Jackson must have been one of those rare male INFJs. In memory of the man who produced the music of my childhood and much of my adulthood and taught us to dream big, here are part of the lyrics to "Keep The Faith".

And When You Think Of Trust
Does It Lead You Home
To A Place That You Only Dream Of
When You're All Alone

And You Can Go By Feel
'Stead Of Circumstance
But The Power's In Believing
So Give Yourself A Chance

I Know That You Can
Sail Across The Water
Float Across The Sky, High
Any Road That You Take Will Get You There
If You Only Try

So Keep The Faith

Rest in Peace Michael...

PS. Maxwell's Pretty Wings have really helped me cope with that tough break-up. "If I can't have you, let love set you free to fly your pretty wings around".

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