Wednesday, June 24, 2009

About That Tree Falling in The Woods...

If you anticipate disappointment, does it follow that you won't be hurt when it does happen?
Just like that tree falling in the woods, pain happens whether you prepare for it or not. For the sensitive and feeling INFJ who is always trying to compartmentalize, organize, and otherwise control their life, predicting any possible future disappointment, it is frustrating to realize there is no shortcut to pain. Maybe this will resonate with some of you.

Once More

I'm alone once more
Depressed once more

Once more I'm reminded
Once more I'm derided

I hide once more
To heal once more

Once more the sun shows off its rays
Once more the night pain betrays

I recall once more
I make the call

Once more

Friday, June 19, 2009

Starting Over

"Sometimes love comes around and it knocks you down. Just get back up when it knocks you down" sang Keri Hilson in her popular single. I used to think it was a love song. But now it's just a song about pain, with seriously good advice. It's interesting how events in your life color the way you interpret everything . But for the INFJ, events like the break up of a three year relationship are more than just a passing disappointment. It means that I was unable to resolve an issue, failed to see signs, gave too little or too much. For the INFJ - who is supposed to be able to feel and read people - it is an enormous failure. So I withdraw within myself a little bit more, guarding that sacred self who is so delicate, so easily bruised.

To Those Whom I Have Tried To Love, Unsuccessfully

I don't believe in love,
I kept saying.
I don't believe in love.

Now there is no denying
Admiration, respect and trust,
No need to be creating
Love to confuse lust.

I don't believe in love,
Not the love for mom and sis.
No, that comes from above.

So just say what you mean
I admire, I respect, I trust.
But there's only one thing,

I love you.